2 years ago in Libraries


pseudo-3D engine for canvas & SVG
 2 years ago in Libraries


console for mobile browsers
 4 years ago in Tools


by Fabrice Bellard & Charlie Gordon
very compact Javascript engine and compiler
 4 years ago in Tools


by Fabrice Bellard & Charlie Gordon
very compact Javascript engine and compiler
 5 years ago in Talks

In The Loop

by Jake Archibald
(click image to load video)
 5 years ago in Talks

When JavaScript Bytes

by Tim Kadlec
(click image to load video)
 6 years ago in Tools


JsExe is a demo-oriented JavaScript compressor. It takes as input a standalone JavaScript source file and produces an HTML source file which executes a JavaScript with the same behaviour as the input one. JsExe aims to produce the smallest HTML file, using the best combination of compression tricks, such as embedding JS code in a PNG image.
 6 years ago in Talks

Javascript: Your new overlord

by Douglas Crockford
 6 years ago in Online Tools


find the JavaScript micro framework(s) you need
 6 years ago in Online Tools

JavaScript variable name validator

Checks if a string is a valid JavaScript variable name.
 9 years ago in Talks