4 years ago in Cheatsheets
Emoji as Favicon
<link rel="icon" href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns="http://w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<text y=".9em" font-size="90">💩</text>
</svg>" />
5 years ago in Cheatsheets
stylesheet | external stylesheet |
alternate | other versions of the page (different languages or media formats) |
alternate stylesheet | attributes can be combined |
start | the first document in a series of documents, of which the current page is a member |
next | the next document in a series |
prev | the previous document in a series |
contents | table of contents |
toc | table of contents (less supported) |
index | index for the current page |
glossary | glossary of terms related to the current page |
copyright | copyright statement for the current page |
chapter | |
section | |
subsection | |
appendix | |
help | help about the current document |
bookmark | bookmark or key entry point within an extended document |
(I haven't updated this in ages)
6 years ago in Tutorials
HTML & CSS Is Hard (But it doesn’t have to be)
A friendly web development tutorial for complete beginners