4 years ago in Cheatsheets
FFMPEG things
image + audio to video
ffmpeg -loop 1 -i image.jpg -i audio.wav -c:v libx264 -tune stillimage -c:a aac -b:a 192k -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest out.mp4
4 years ago in Cheatsheets
Help Solve the File Format Problem
The File Format Problem in this context is that over the last century, many types of electronic information have been presented in formats that are non-intuitive and subject to the rapidly-shifting interests of what is newest and best. As a result, thousands of programs, documents, images and binary files are in danger of being unreadable to later generations as no readily available information about accessing them is to be found. Various projects have been launched in the last 20 years to deal with this problem, but they all lack a groundswell of directed volunteers working to once and for all get all the disparate information into one place and easily referenced by all. This is the goal of this project.
4 years ago in Talks
CERN 2019 Keynote
"you construct well written prose from the names of variables and functions"
4 years ago in Stuff
The EU General Data Protection Regulation Explained by Americans
Main problem with GDPR criticism and press reporting about GDPR is that virtually all of it is based on second-hand knowledge and hearsay.
4 years ago
5 years ago in Books
High Performance Browser Networking
What every web developer must know about mobile networks, protocols, and APIs provided by browser
5 years ago